The holidays are here and our delivery drivers and postal workers are in the middle of their busiest time of year! Last year we loved seeing customers include bottles of Le Bleu Ultra Pure water in delivery driver appreciation setups. In this month’s blog, we...
Whew! What an October we had! This post will be short (like last month felt!). We had a whirlwind month thanks to so many wonderful customers and community members that kept us busy the last few weeks helping to send water to our neighbors affected by Hurricane...
Did you know Le Bleu East Tennessee delivers water to your door? We won’t leave jugs of water or big cases by your mailbox. We will never toss your waters off the truck at the start of your driveway! Is your apartment on a higher level? As long as we have...
The school year is in full swing and with that comes fall sports! Last month, we offered some ideas to stay hydrated during the school day. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting out, staying hydrated during practice is crucial for maintaining peak...
As the school year begins, one of the simplest yet most vital aspects of maintaining focus and health is staying properly hydrated. Water is essential for optimal brain function, concentration, and overall well-being. However, with the hustle and bustle of a busy...
Outside temperatures flirting with three digits, humidity that hugs you like a great aunt you haven’t seen since last Christmas, bright sunlight that roasts anything that is under it (including your skin), the news anchors start frying eggs on sidewalks....
Le Bleu East Tennessee began delivering Ultra Pure Water to East Tennessee in April of 2022. We charged each customer a $2 delivery fee. It didn’t matter if the customer ordered 10 jugs once a month, 1 jug once a week or 1 case of water every couple of months,...
Last month we were so happy to share the second work anniversary of our dear delivery driver, Jeff. This month we’re following up that good news with a great story about one of our early customers that allows us to assist in an annual gesture to first responders...
This month we’re celebrating the second anniversary of our delivery extraordinaire Jeff! He joined the Le Bleu East Tennessee family in April of 2022 as our first delivery driver. We hope you’ll enjoy reading this month’s blog that’s all about...
Wondering what World Water Day is? You’ve come to the right place! At Le Bleu East Tennessee, we think about water every day. Every year on March 22, we’re excited that others around the world join us in focusing on water! According to Wikipedia, World...